By following my heart I came to u, I only forgot to take something back with me. For my thoughts are still with u. Never take someone for granted. Hold the correct person close to ur heart because ur might wake up one day & realize that u've lost a diamond while u were too busy collecting stones.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Cny = gain weight
Oh so chubby :S

Ultra gal. haha.



你等他悔改 倒不过你松手放开
有一种固执 得不到喝彩
总担任伟大角色 献奉全部爱
宁愿悉心灌溉 没结果的错爱

理想归理想 得不到也等於妄想
原谅又原谅 她可有拍掌
诸多忍让没有奖 也没谁人卖帐
难度你够情长 某某亦会同样

他不配做对象 可惜你太善良
他背叛你 偏你没法 睁开眼看真相
驯服就似绵羊 相恋太善良大多打败仗
受骗的那个 比骗徒更混帐

我可等你吗 可等到你伤口结疤
我这种固执 不比你更差
好心地但运气差 做坏人才耀眼
良善太过平凡 怕注定要陪跑

单恋也是正常 天生我太善良
早爱着你 可怕是你 一早看透真相
驯服就似绵羊 相恋太善良大多打败仗
受骗的那个 比骗徒够混帐

你这样情长 再等你也是妄想

明明他不配做对象 可惜你太善良
喜爱受骗 只怕共你努力亦没回响
他不将你放心上 即使再善良未得到景仰
受骗的那个 比骗徒更混帐
我也想骗你 这句才算真相

Monday, February 1, 2010

Cher ♥

Facebook Rachel Yen: "U cant c0ntrol the weather,
Cant tell the future, But at least U have The ch0ice to being HAPPY or SAD..
everything will be fine :)

your always,
DARL cher ♥"


Something in your heart
" I ask HIM for water, HE gave me rain
I ask HIM for sand, HE gave me mountain
I ask HIM for a flower, HE gave me a beautiful garden
Then I ask HIM for an angel
That's when I had my first dance
my angel "


It's February

It's Chinese New Year

It's Valentine's Day

It's Race's birthday

It's Daphne's birthday

It's Joelene's birthday


It's just NOT my day